Summary of Specifications:
The work to be performed under this contract includes removal & replacement of asphalt mat, curb and gutter, and concrete pavement. Application of Seal Coat (GSB-88), heating and scarifying of asphalt mat, and concrete pavement joint sealant (silicone). The contract shall be awarded based on bids received and the contract documents.
Work within the “Police Department Parking Lot” shall take place during the period between September 1, 2015 – September 30, 2015 on a weekend. Seal coat shall be completed in two (2) phases over a weekend period. One (1) phase per day or as approved by the Project Manager. All work must be coordinated with Police Department staff.
“Perry Street Fire Station #151” asphalt paving and concrete pavement removal & replacement shall be completed in two (2) phases, asphalt paving and concrete work shall not take place simultaneously. All work must be coordinated with Fire Department staff.
“Centennial Park” concrete pavement removal & replacement and concrete pavement joint sealing shall take place during normal weekdays from 7a.m. - 5p.m in the month of September after the closure of the Centennial Park Pool (September 7, 2015). All work must be coordinated with Parks and Recreation Department staff.
“Rhyolite Park” work shall take place during normal weekdays from 7a.m. - 5p.m. Seal coat shall be completed in two (2) phases, one (1) phase per day or as approved by the Project Manager.
“Front St. Flyover” sealing shall be completed in two (2) phases over a weekend period. One (1) phase per day or as approved by the Project Manager