General Description – The work to be performed under this contract includes removal of pavement markings, placement of pavement markings, application of mastic and crack seal material, asphalt patching, asphalt leveling, cleaning, and application of slurry seal to designated streets as indicated in Appendix A and B or as directed by the Project Manager. The Contractor shall supply all labor, equipment, and materials necessary to complete the work in accordance with these specifications. The contract shall be awarded based on the bids received for the base bid schedule and the contract documents. Contractor will be required to coordinate construction activities with adjacent businesses, trash removal companies, school district, HOA, Metro Districts, and other Town maintenance projects if applicable. The contractor shall commence work no later than three (3) calendar days from, and including, the date of the Notice to Proceed, and be construction complete (punchlist items, cleanup, and demobilize) within thirty-five (35) working days from the date on the Notice to Proceed. If “Construction Completion” is not issued within the allotted contract time for the original scope of work, “Liquidated Damages” shall be assessed. When contract work is complete, the contractor shall commence work on punchlist items, cleanup, and demobilizing regardless of contract time remaining. Crack seal, mastic, asphalt patching, and pavement marking removal can start June 10, 2019. Slurry seal application shall take place between July 8, 2019 and August 2, 2019. Slurry Seal application for the neighborhoods with direct access off of Butterfield Crossing shall be the last area of work, excluding Plum Creek Parkway, Plum Creek Boulevard, Enderud Boulevard. A schedule of sequencing of all work shall be submitted at or before the project pre-construction meeting, and approved by the Town prior to issuance of Notice to Proceed.