This Request for Pre-qualifications is issued by the Town of Castle Rock, Water Department to engage qualified Contractors to provide construction services for various CR Water projects. Projects may include water transmission pipelines up to 30-inches, storage tank construction and demolition, water facilities maintenance; water distribution rehab and replacement; and wastewater collection facilities; sewer and manhole rehabilitation and replacement; sewer interceptor projects; horizontal directional drilling; guided auger boring; storm sewer and manhole rehabilitation and replacement; stream stabilization.
Additionally, the Town is seeking qualifications for qualified Contractors to provide construction and integration services for various CRW Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) projects. Contractors shall have proven expertise in system integration and SCADA process controls working with municipal water treatment systems. Projects may include but are not limited to, replacing hardware and wiring for existing control systems at water treatment plants (WTP), various groundwater well sites, and other CRW remote sites. Completed projects will bring CRW’s SCADA system into compliance with modern cybersecurity and equipment standards and improve operator efficiencies, as recommended by CRW’s SCADA Master Plan. The Contractor must have complete knowledge of Iconics, FactoryTalk View SE, Bristol Babcock and Allen Bradley hardware and software programming.