General Description - The work to be performed under this contract includes the conversion of a traditional four-way intersection to a mini roundabout. Construction generally includes asphalt planing and other designated removals, reconstructing curb and gutter, installation of a decorative center island and splitter islands, asphalt paving, and signing and striping. The work shall take place near local businesses. The Contractor will need to photograph all building foundations adjacent to the project and protect them to ensure that no damage to the structures occurs throughout the construction of the project. The Town of Castle Rock Fire and Rescue Department is located on the northeast intersection corner. The Contractor shall ensure clear access to and from the fire department’s driveway and ensure that emergency vehicles can traverse through the intersection as quickly as possible. The Contractor will also be required to coordinate construction activities with trash removal companies, school district, HOA and Metro Districts if applicable. The Contractor shall supply all labor, materials and equipment necessary to complete the work in accordance with these specifications. The contractor shall commence work no later than ten (10) calendar days from, and including, the date of the Notice to Proceed. Once work has commenced the Contractor shall complete work and should not leave the project. Work shall be substantially complete within sixty (60) calendar days of the Notice to Proceed.