Electronic Bids will be received by the Town of Frederick, Colorado (hereinafter referred to as the Owner), at until 4:00 pm local time, on December 22, 2023, for the 2024 Milavec West Pump Station - Pump Addition through Rocky Mountain E-Purchasing.
Promptly thereafter, all Bids that have been duly received will be reviewed for completeness. The bidders
list and bid results will be posted to Rocky Mountain E-Purchasing.
The Agreement provides for the construction of the 2024 Milavec West Pump Station - Pump Addition (hereinafter referred to as the Work). All Bids must be in accordance with the Contract Documents on file with the Town of Frederick. Copies of the Contract Documents, complete with Drawings and Specifications, may be obtained from Rocky Mountain E-Purchasing after November 20, 2023.
Prospective Bidders are invited to present their questions relative to their Bid to the Town Engineer. A virtual Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid conference will be held via Teams at pm on November 30,
2023 at 3:00 pm, Meeting ID: 230 703 393 678 , Passcode: AMShNm
All Pre-Bid questions should be directed to Sarah Watson in the Engineering Department at
swatson@frederickco.gov. All questions will be answered and posted as addendums to the project. The last day for question is December 7, 2023 by 5:00 pm.
A. CONTRACTOR shall furnish and install two (2) new 150 hp vertical turbine pumps, two (2) check valves, two (2) electric motor operated butterfly valves, and other necessary piping and pipe fittings to connect the pump discharge piping to the existing pipe manifolds on the pump skid inside the existing building.
B. The existing pump station skid has space for three (3) vertical turbine pumps, but only one (1) vertical turbine pump is existing. The existing pump station includes one 150 hp vertical turbine pump and one pressure sustaining pump, and both will remain to operate in conjunction with the proposed modifications
C. The existing pump station electrical panels include three (3) variable frequency drives, one of which is in operation for the existing vertical turbine pump. The other two existing variable frequency drives are to be utilized for the two new vertical turbine pumps. CONTRACTOR shall furnish and install conduit and wiring and modify the existing electrical and control panels as required to connect the new vertical turbine pumps to the existing variable frequency drives and controls.
D. CONTRACTOR shall reprogram the existing controls at the pump station to integrate the new pumps into the modified operating sequence.
E. CONTRACTOR shall install a new mechanical seal on the existing 150 hp vertical turbine pump to replace the packing.