Summary of Specifications:
The Town of Frederick, Colorado is requesting sealed Bids for the Godding Hollow Parkway-Godding Hollow Culvert Emergency Repairs. All sealed Bids are to be delivered to Frederick Town Hall (front desk) at 401 Locust Street, Frederick, Colorado 80530 by 2:00 pm local time, on December 11, 2013; and clearly labeled “Godding Hollow Parkway-Godding Hollow Culvert Emergency Repairs”. Bids received after that date and time will not be considered. The project generally consists of: Furnish and install all labor and materials for site preparation activities including: 1) staging and mobilization; 2) saw cut asphalt; 3) earthwork including excavation, import, haul, placing, and compaction of materials as necessary to construct the project; 4) dewatering; 5) reset existing 6’H x 8’W CMP to pre-flood inverts; 6) miscellaneous appurtenances as depicted on the plan set. Specifically, including all labor and materials for construction of the project as shown on the design drawings and miscellaneous items necessary for a complete and functional project. Copies of the Contract Documents, complete with Drawings and Specifications, may be obtained from Rocky Mountain E-Purchasing ( after 12:00 p.m. on December 6, 2013. A full set of bid documents can be viewed after 12:00 p.m. on December 6, 2013 at Frederick Town Hall, 401 Locust Street, Frederick, CO 80530. For additional information on this bid, contact Richard Nickson in the Engineering Department at (720) 382-5602.