The Town of Frederick, Colorado (“Town”) is soliciting proposals from firms experienced in park, open space and trails planning to create a conceptual site plan and related documents for a 184 acre open space parcel known as the “Mendoza Open Space,” hereafter referred to as “Mendoza.”
The Town acquired Mendoza in 2018 for the purposes of open space and non-potable water rights acquisition. Since then, the Town has entered into an agricultural lease with the previous owner to farm the property for hay production. The Town’s intent with a conceptual site plan is to conduct community engagement to create a vision for this property in the future. The Town does not anticipate moving this project beyond a conceptual site plan within the next 5-10 years. Instead, our focus is to engage the existing residents of Frederick to create that vision, so future development in the area can be adequately planned for, and ideally, help fund this major capital project.
The Town expects this concept plan and cost estimate to be ready for Parks, Recreation, Open Space and Trails (PROST) Commission adoption in October 2024. This plan will not require adoption by the Board of Trustees.
The Town reserves the right to alter the Scope of Services at any time throughout the project including at project initiation and throughout the project, within the terms of the Independent Contractor Agreement.
Please submit one proposal, in PDF file type. All materials must be received no later than February 13, 2024 at 2:00pm MT.
Proposals must be submitted electronically, via email, to or via hardcopy to Colby Johnson, Town of Frederick, PO Box 435, Frederick, CO 80530.
Questions concerning this Request for Proposals (RFP) must be submitted by January 30, 2024 at 4:00pm MT via email to the Project Manager, Colby Johnson at Answers will be posted to the Rocky Mountain E-Purchasing System and the Town’s website as an Addendum by February 2, 2024 at 4:00pm MT. Any verbal communications will be considered unofficial and non-binding to the Town.