The Upper Thompson Sanitation District (District) in the Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado is seeking the professional services of a public relations consultant to provide strategic communication plans, public outreach, education campaigns and specialized public affairs consulting services on an as-needed project, task, or phase basis. The District intends to enter into an agreement with the selected firm that will include public relations services for the District as described in this Request for Qualifications (RFQ). Prices for as-needed public relations projects will be negotiated by task or phase and based on the billing and labor rate structure incorporated in the agreement.
This RFQ describes background information, submission requirements, and selection criteria for the public relations consultant.
Award under this solicitation does not guarantee that any services will be requested from a public relations consultant using an as needed project, task, or phase process. Establishing the agreement allows the selected consultant to understand and accept the District terms and conditions and expedites the contracting process through issuance of subsequent agreements for public relations projects. The agreement duration is anticipated to be issued utilizing a project, task, or phase sequence, and extension of the agreement will be at the discretion of District.
The District takes our work very seriously and we know our customers are counting on us to keep the wastewater sanitation system running smoothly, our waterways clean, our wildlife healthy, and our environment pristine. Our customers and visitors to the Estes Valley may not think about the importance of our work; however, we take great care in ensuring the health of our home. The District has provided wastewater collection and treatment to the major portion of the Estes Valley since 1974. Disinfecting and cleaning wastewater is a complex and highly regulated process. The District ensures the quality of the water entering the Big Thompson River meets the regulations established by the EPA and Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. The District provides the sanitation infrastructure the region depends on. We are planning systems that will grow with the demands, development, and seasonal fluctuations of our community and economy.
Today, our District faces the challenge of an aging treatment facility approaching a 50-year service life and an inability to achieve higher water quality standards mandated in the next few years by the Environmental Protection Agency and Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment’s Water Quality Control Division. Although we have maintained District resources in excellent condition, the Upper Thompson Sanitation District Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF) was constructed in the mid-1970s. The facility is difficult to maintain, nearing capacity, and not equipped to meet future water quality regulations. Additionally, the existing facilities do not meet current electrical, building code, and safety requirements.
To meet these challenges, we are relocating and expanding our facilities to a new site near the current WWTF. When completed, the new WWTF will ensure compliance with future regulatory requirements, accommodate future growth, and protect the water quality of the Big Thompson River. This new facility will incorporate state-of-the-art treatment technologies, materials, and equipment utilizing biological nutrient removal, removal of heavy metals, solids digestion and handling processes and current building codes. Once completed, the project will provide additional space for build-out treatment capacity for the entire Estes Valley.
Currently, the District processes an average of 840,000 gallons of wastewater each day with a peak month flow of 1.4 MGD, which is near the WWTF’s permitted capacity. The District’s service area is 44 square miles, and the collection system length is approximately 96 miles. The new facility will allow us to process up to 3,000,000 gallons per day which is important to keep up with the demands of our growing community and economy as the usage fluctuates greatly in the peak summer season.
In 2022 the District will begin designing the new wastewater treatment facility and associated infrastructure. Construction of the New Wastewater Treatment Facility, Lift Station, and Interceptor Improvements Project (Project) is scheduled to begin in 2023 with completion of the Project slated in 2025. This will be a high-profile infrastructure project in the Estes Valley.
It is the intent of the District to provide public communications that inform the customers, residents, and visitors to the Estes Valley of our endeavors and the Project in a consistent, proactive, and effective manner. The consultant will develop an all-encompassing strategic communication program, implement program elements, and continuously advise the District on communications strategy as defined in each project, task, or phase. The communications program will form the foundation for public engagement activities, outreach and education material, and campaign development for the District. The public relations materials may take various forms and span a full range of media outlets/services. Items covered in this scope may include service rate increases, wastewater collection and treatment, government regulations, customer responsibilities, and water quality.
The Scope of Services will include:
- Develop and implement tailored communications programs and subsequent public relations efforts in support of the District’s endeavors and the Project.
- Develop an estimated annual not-to-exceed budget for each project, task, or phase of the work.
- Manage and coordinate use of website, social media, and other media platforms.
- Design and produce creative materials for public meetings, customer communications, press releases, digital and paper content, advertisments, mailings, and printed materials.
- Identify and convey information to stakeholders and community partners to garner support of the District’s mission and Project.
- Additional public outreach and communcation as requested by the District.
The Upper Thompson Sanitation District is a quasi-municipal organization that operates under the direction of an elected Board of Directors. The District has a fulltime staff to coordinate the efforts of the selected consulting firm for the purpose of public relations. The consulting firm will interact with District Manager, Chris Bieker and other staff. The consultant will submit proposals for public relations by projects, tasks, and phases, and associated fees to Chris Bieker.