The Upper Thompson Sanitation District (Owner) is seeking Proposals for construction manager at-risk (CMAR) services for the WRF and Lift Station Improvements Project (Project). Proposals will be reviewed and evaluated by the District and a short list of up to three (3) contractors will be identified for interviews/teaming assessments. Information regarding the interview process and selection criteria will be provided to the short-listed contractors.
Certified Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) are encouraged to propose. At the completion of the interview process the Owner will select a contractor (Contractor) to award the CMAR Services.
Merrick & Company (Engineer) is contracted directly with the Owner to design the Project.
The CMAR Services award has two phases:
1. Phase 1: Preconstruction Services: The Contractor will provide preconstruction services to support the Engineer in developing the Project design upon successful agreement between the Owner and Contractor (Preconstruction Services Agreement) on construction price, risk identification, quantification, and mitigation (risk support), schedule, and reporting requirements. A draft Preconstruction Services Agreement is included as Appendix A. The Contractor will provide cost estimating, constructability reviews, risk support, and scheduling throughout the Project design. The Engineer will advance the design to the level of completion necessary to define the Project (60% and 90% complete) and will provide construction/procurement-ready Contract Documents to the Owner and the Contractor. The Contractor will present to the Owner a construction schedule, risk log, and an open-book guaranteed maximum price (GMP) for the Project, which includes the cost of the work through commissioning and start-up, a general conditions price, overhead and profit as a percent mark-up, and a negotiated Contractor contingency. One (1) GMP will be developed for this Project with four (4) primary components as follows:
A.Fish Creek Lift Station (FCLS)
B.Wapiti Lift Station (WLS)
C.WLS Force Main
D.Water Reclamation Facility (WRF)
Construction Services will begin when the Owner and Contractor have agreed on the construction price, risk, schedule, and reporting requirements. The Owner reserves the right to terminate the Contractor and begin negotiating with another Contractor, or direct the Engineer to complete the design and prepare construction documents for bidding of the Project and/or the GMP components, if the Owner and the Contractor are unable to agree on construction price, schedule, risk allocation, and reporting requirements.
Phase 2: Construction Services: The Contractor will procure subcontractors, suppliers, and vendors and will be responsible for the construction, startup, commissioning, operator training and support, performance testing, and warranty services upon successful agreement between the Owner and Contractor (Construction Services Agreement) on construction price, schedule, risk allocation, and reporting requirements. The Construction Services Agreement(s) for each GMP component will be developed using the 2018 Engineers Joint Contract Documents Committee (EJCDC) forms, general conditions and Owners' supplemental conditions. A copy of the draft construction agreement is included as Appendix B. Up to four (4) construction work areas will be developed for the GMP identified above.
The Owner reserves the right to terminate the Contractor and begin negotiating with another Contractor, or direct the Engineer to complete the design and prepare construction documents for bidding of the Project and/or any of the four (4) primary components, if the Owner and the Contractor are unable to agree on construction price, schedule, risk allocation, reporting requirements, or if the quality of the work is unacceptable.
The Contractor shall be responsible for actively tracking Project cost, risks, and schedule to provide confirmation that the design and construction for each Project work area is completed with the Owners' budget.
The RFP is subject to revision after the date of issuance via addenda.
The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to waive any informality in any proposal, to readvertise for proposals, or to withhold the award for any reason the Owner determines.