Specifications include, but are not limited to: E.1. The SFA participates in the programs noted in Section A1. USDA Foods from the Federal Food Distribution Program are available for use in the lunch program and it is the intent of the SFA that such items be included in the menus to the greatest extent possible. E.2. The FSMC shall meet all requirements of the USDA programs noted in Section A1, and any other requirements promulgated by the state of Connecticut. The FSMC shall provide all meals in accordance with all applicable meal patterns for age and grade groupings. This may include preschool meal patterns. https://portal.ct.gov/SDE/Nutrition/Menu-Planning E.3. The FSMC costs shall include all expenses associated with the operation of the food service program as submitted in the financial budget of the RFP (e.g. on-site costs, food costs, labor costs, value of USDA Foods used, management fee and administrative fee). E.4. The FSMC shall receive for its service the following fee(s): Management Administrative provided its operation is sufficient to support the fees or unless otherwise approved by the SFA. E.5. The FSMC shall submit a budget to the Business Manager or equivalent in March of each year, earlier if requested, to be used by the SFA in its budget process and to demonstrate its ability to meet the guaranteed financial agreement. E.6. Meal prices shall be approved by the SFA. The SFA shall retain ultimate control over meal prices and any other related or appropriate elements of the food service program. The will be responsible for completing the paid lunch equity tool (PLE). E.7. It is expressly understood that all presently employed (SFA and/or FSMC) food service employees will be given the opportunity to interview for positions within the SFA as employees of the FSMC. E.8. The FSMC shall supply with this proposal a full description of the proposed benefit package, including but not limited to, levels of coverage, co-pay features and any other options and limitations. E.9. The FSMC shall procure on behalf of the SFA, in support of Connecticut’s Farm to School Program, Connecticut-grown farm products pursuant to section 22-38d of the Connecticut General Statutes and Public Act No. 16-37. Specifications are established in Schedule B. E.10. The FSMC shall procure products based on the specifications established in Schedule B. FSMC must include, as part of the bid response, a specifications sheet with grade, weight, nutritional qualities, and item labels for all products not included in the SFA’s Schedule B. E.11. All proposals shall include a completed Schedule E. E.12. The Contract shall be for a period of one year with the option for additional one-year renewals: July 1 – June 30 Prior to school year – June 30 Aprox start date – June 30 E.13. Terms of the contract are listed below in Section 1; however, the SFA may develop additional terms and or conditions with the successful FSMC, derived from the program objectives and or specifications listed in section D and E respectively, through negotiation and shall be consistent with the rights reserved by the SFA as described herein. Any additional terms or conditions must not conflict with any of the terms set forth in Section 1 and must be consistent with all applicable laws and regulations. Negotiations must not change the scope of services or contract terms materially. The SFA may request the FSMC provide additional food service programs including the NSLP, SBP, CACFP, At-risk Afterschool Snacks and/or Suppers, and/or SFSP/SSO to the current program or other non-profit organizations (including delivery). The SFA may request service to additional sites. Additionally, the SFA may opt to participate in the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP). E.14. The FSMCs are requested to mark any specific information contained in their proposal which the FSMC is claiming should not be disclosed to the public, along with a citation to the applicable provision of the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act or other applicable statute on which the FSMC is basing its claim of confidentiality or non-disclosure. Information marked as “not to be disclosed to the public” must meet the standards set forth in the Freedom of Information Act. Pricing and service elements of the successful proposal will not be considered proprietary. Provided that nothing herein shall be construed to relieve any SFA or the CSDE from its obligations under any applicable freedom of information laws or other legal obligations concerning document disclosure, including, but not limited to, civil discovery demands. In the event a request for information/documentation is made pursuant to the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act (or other applicable statute or regulation), and the FSMC objects to the release of the requested information, the FSMC shall bear all reasonable costs and fees incurred in asserting such objection. E.15. The SFA either participates or intends to apply for FFVP funding so the FSMC shall provide, with the proposal, a FFVP cycle menu. For each subsequent year in which the SFA receives FFVP funding, the FSMC must submit a cycle menu to the SFA prior to the beginning of the school year.