1) BED MAINTENANCE: Throughout the growing season, all existing beds will be weeded weekly. This includes the parking area behind the First Selectman's parking area. Edging will be done on all perimeter lawn areas by May 1st. Power edging may not be used near pavement areas. 2) SPRING CLEAN UP & MULCH/STONE: This includes pick up of paper and other litter, sand, leaves, etc. from walks, roadways, parking lots, planting and lawn areas. Edge trees before mulching; Remove old mulch and replace with dark brown (not rust) shredded hardwood mulch by May 1st. This proposal includes the amount of mulch needed to replenish the existing beds to a 2" depth in the spring. All beds will be cleaned and weeded at this time. The park includes the play areas but the Town will provide the play area material for you to spread. Existing stone areas by leader drains must be replenished with matching stone to a depth that completely covers all ground area. 3) FALL CLEAN UP: During the fall, all leaves and debris will be removed from the lawns, paved and shrub areas as needed. Fall clean up must be completed by November 30th; 4) LITTER AND DEBRIS REMOVAL: Weekly litter and debris removal will be required along with the mowing and ground maintenance. Late fall general clean-up will be required to include pick up of paper and other litter, sand, leaves, etc. from walks, roadways, parking lots, planting and lawn areas. Tennis Courts on North Street - blow off tennis courts every Friday