Specifications include, but are not limited to: Where any vehicle is used under this contract to perform home-to-school or special education services as needed based upon (IEP requirements) is required to include a bus aide provided by the Contractor, for purposes of this contract, the use of the terms "bus attendant" or "aide" are interchangeable. All aides must be prepared to assist special education students to and from the threshold of the property, and they must assist the handicapped pupil in entering and leaving the vehicle. While this is not to be construed as requiring aides to carry a pupil, it does mean assisting by lifting legs, carrying books, or otherwise assisting handicapped pupils to enter and leave buses. In addition, drivers must be prepared to provide a certain amount of reasonable assistance, as circumstances may deem necessary. The physical examinations of drivers shall be at the driver's or the Contractor's expense. All exams to be completed as required by regulations of the Department of Motor Vehicles. All drivers must also comply with any Federal drug and alcohol testing requirements which compliance will be solely at the Contractor's expense, and any physical ability tests that may be mandated during the term of this Contract. School transportation vehicles must be operated at all times by capable and competent personnel at safe and reasonable rates of speed. The Westport Board of Education, through the Superintendent of Schools and/or his/her designee, reserves the right to require any and all reasonable precautions for the safety of students in their transportation to and from school. Under no circumstances shall a driver refuse to pick up or discharge a pupil at an established school bus stop, unless authorized by the District, nor shall a driver remove a pupil from a bus providing services hereunder before reaching the pupil's intended destination, except in the case of an emergency.