Specifications include, but are not limited to: Building a website that is relatively easy to update and user-friendly A website that would follow a logical outline format as much as possible - a few big categories and, within each, several clear sub-categories A forums page - interactive that can be searched and archived (may include an internal chat/direct messaging feature) Networking features Image scroll of lifestyles in the region - (what may attract talent) Success stories of either talent or businesses News Feed - events, milestones, achievements, and blog posts Events calendar with easy registration and secure attendance tracking capabilities A funding resource tab - "Show Me the Money" - with links solely for business funding i.e. equipment, training, staffing, etc., including a “contact me” prompt For the Manufacturing RSP: easy to navigate "Business Resource" tab that would contain links to areas such as CCAT, MASC, CT Manufacture, Connex, other manufacturing RSPs in Ct, Ambassador Program, Chamber Manufacturing Coalitions, CT State Community Colleges, CareerConneCT, NWRWIB, Department of Labor, Next Generation Sector Partnerships, etc. For the Healthcare RSP: an easy to navigate "Business Resource" tab that would contain links to areas such as Academy of Medical Training, RIBA Aspira Career Academy, other healthcare RSPs in CT, Ambassador Program, Chamber Healthcare Councils, CT State Community Colleges, NRWIB, CareerConneCT, Department of Labor, Next Generation Sector Partnerships, etc. Interactive map of Connecticut highlighting the organizations that are members of the RSPs in Northwest CT Link to online learning and training platform Design/Re-design of RSP logos