Specifications include, but are not limited to: 1. “Desktop” analysis of current transportation services in the NHCOG region. Identify existing NHCOG regional transportation providers Ridership data (current and projected) Inventory of existing service areas and underserved communities Evaluation of existing routes 2. Market analysis of need and proposed transit options Identify elderly/disabled/low income needs for transit services Development of a coordinated transit system within the region. Identification of gaps in service Determine future implementation costs Identify regional traffic generator locations 3. Identify an efficient routing/dispatch management plan Identify possible route expansion Estimate costs based on route expansion and services. Establish a coordinated/centralized communication system and regional dispatch network Identify associated capital costs 4. Community visioning & public participation Ongoing throughout the Study Gain community support for public improvements (including proposed routes and bus stops) Ensure Community needs are being met Ensure development is in-line with market analysis 5. Final Reports: Summarize process and public participation throughout the study and a compilation of all reports, maps and plans, market analysis prepared through this study. Prepare to submit 2 hard copies and a digital copy of all reports, plans & deliverables. Plan that provides a unified vision for future transit improvements Identify future funding sources Establishment of a coordinated dispatch network Provide low, mid, high cost implementation strategy