Task 1 – CFE Inspections Inspections involve meeting the business owner or other responsible person at the site of the CFE and reviewing the County’s FOG program, conducting a walk-through and noting specific FOG concerns/violations and areas that need improvement in order to come into compliance. Such inspections shall include, but not be limited to: _ • Inspecting the grease retention devices for size, function, grease/sediment depths. • Examining the cleaning/maintenance logs for the grease retention devices. • Obtaining effluent samples from the grease retention devices using approved techniques and following appropriate chain of custody procedures. • Taking specific photos relevant to the inspection. - Completing the CFE inspection report in electronic and/or hard copy format and providing the County with electronic and/or hard copy reports. This may include completing inspection reports in the County’s Cityworks database. Task 2 – Engineering and Technical Support Assist the County with overall implementation of the FOG program and related initiatives. This task includes providing input and recommendations for the County’s overall Capacity Management Operations and Maintenance (CMOM) initiatives.