These repairs will consist of small to large repairs to district wide HVAC systems, including but not limited to, boilers, both steam and condensing, chillers both centrifugal and air cooled, cooling towers, pumps, and any other HVAC mechanical repairs. The district has many types of systems; hot/chilled water, steam, 2 pipe and 4 pipe, through wall and ceiling hung cassette unit ventilators, DX, VAV, VRF HEAT PUMP, and is need of a vendor that can provide in-house staff for repairs. The vendor must hold all up to date licenses and an LG VRF certification. The vendor must perform work with in-house personnel and will not hire subcontractors. All repairs will be discussed with the Supervisor of Facilities or designee. Once the repairs are made, the vendor will be required to verify systems are in proper working order. “Repairs” includes inspections, parts and labor for repairs, and replacement recommendations.