Research indicates an effective teacher is the number one in-school factor of increasing student achievement1. To ensure a strong pipeline of educators, educator preparation programs must constantly strive to prepare a diverse pool of learner-ready candidates while making sure their programs align with the learner needs and workforce demands of the Delaware P-12 educational system. As enrollment in education preparation programs across the country declines, districts and charter schools in Delaware face an ongoing challenge to recruit and retain effective teachers for all students, particularly those in hard-to-staff high need schools and critical needs subject areas. Research suggests that teachers are more likely to stay in the profession when they feel prepared and supported. In 2009, teacher attrition was estimated to cost the State of Delaware between two and four million dollars, basing the average cost of teacher attrition on a scale ranging from $4,365 for a teacher from an economically disadvantaged, small, rural school district to $9,501 for a teacher from a economically disadvantaged, large, urban school district.