NCES requires a robust communications strategy and solid delivery of communications activities that amplify the utility and brand of NCES data. NCES requires that the Contractor implement the latest and best technological solutions to meet the needs of its diverse stakeholders in a manner that meets the highest methodological standards, relevant, timely, useful, accessible to the vast spectrum of NCES user segments, and appropriate to NCES’s role as a federal statistical agency. Additionally, we are looking for innovation and want to understand the work and how to implement various new advancements in technology including but limited to, Generative AI, new data visualization and graphic design tools, and emerging social media platforms. These various methods should be evaluated and considered when developing and deploying communications activities for NCES. We are looking potentially new ways of working at substantially lower cost and in a more timely fashion, and of a higher quality data quality with respect to utility, objectivity, and integrity.