The Library of Congress (LOC) seeks a museum-experienced firm specializing in the design and production of museum-quality audio visual presentation for the temporary exhibition titled The Two Georges: Parallel Lives in an Age of Revolution. The firm will produce an audiovisual (AV) presentation that introduces visitors to the exhibition.
This presentation will explore the representations of both George Washington and George III created from the time of George Washington’s death in 1799 and George III’s descent into madness in 1810, to the present day. It will capture appropriation—from the sublime to the silly—of George Washington, from his death to the present juxtaposed with commemorative likenesses of George III and as well as the king’s starring role in Hamilton and a theatrical revival of The Madness of King George. The presentation will confront visitors with what they think they know about these two figures and set up a gateway to explore the more nuanced portrait of the two Georges in their own time.
The AV presentation will be shown on a large monitor (expected to be 65”) with speakers, embedded in an introductory wall located at the entrance to the exhibition. Casework and wall components design and fabrication, as well as the purchase of AV equipment and media integration efforts are not covered under this contract.
***AMENDMENT 0001*** 04/03/2024
- The purpose of Amendment 0001 is to amend the SECTION L – INSTRUCTIONS, CONDITIONS, AND NOTICES TO OFFERORS.
***AMENDMENT 0002*** 04/17/2024
The purpose of Amendment 0002 is as follows:
1. To amend Section C DESCRIPTION/SPECIFICATIONS/STATEMENT OF WORK as indicated in strikethrough deletions and
red text additions.
2. To amend and Section L INSTRUCTIONS, CONDITIONS, AND NOTICES TO OFFERORS as indicated in strikethrough
deletions and red text additions.
3. To provide Attachment J-6 - 030ADV24Q0117 - Responses to Offeror Questions.
4. To amend the Offer Due Date. The Offer Due Date is extended from 12:00 PM EST on 04/24/2024 to 12:00 PM EST on