Specifications include, but are not limited to: C.5.2.1 The Contractor shall provide printed material, full color and black and white, including but not limited to the previously named brochures, booklets, annual reports, and newsletters. The services shall include, but not be limited to binding, folding, drilling, cutting, trimming, saddle-stapling, corner- or side-stapling, perfect binding, perforating, embossing, coil binding, etc. If requested by the Board, Contractor shall provide hard-copy proofs of the print project, time permitting. C.5.2.2 The Contractor shall provide digital support services, including graphic design, digital file formatting and conversion, etc., as necessary. C.5.2.3 Digital file transmission and sharing may be completed by email or the Contractor’s secure online submission portal. The Contractor shall immediately notify DCRB by email and follow up with a telephone call to document the work products are available online. The Contractor shall work with DCRB to specify the file type(s) necessary for printing software/hardware. The Contractor will convert DCRB files and other electronic materials into the appropriate file types as needed.