Amendment 0007 is issued to provide answers for additional questions received.
Amendment 0006 is issued to provide answers for additional questions received.
Amendment 0005 is issued to:
a. provide answers for additional questions received and update the solicitation attachment as a result
b. Extend the due date for volumes to Monday, December 2nd, at 10:00 AM, Eastern.
AMD 0004 is issued to update the answer to Question number 26 on the Questions and Answers Attachment and update the
solicitation attachment as a result.
The purpose of AMD 0003 is to provide answers to questions received and update the solicitation attachments as a result.
The purpose of Amendment 0002 is to provide answers to questions received and update the solicitation attachments as a result.
The purpose of Amendment 0001 is to extend the timelines in the solicitation as follows:
a) Questions are due at 10:00AM, Eastern on Tuesday, October 29, 2024.
b) Proposals are due at 1:00PM, Eastern on Monday, November 18, 2024.
Offerors are encouraged to review the attachments to this solicitation in development of their oral presentations and pricing proposal. Attachments contain the Perkins project requirements and deliverables. Completion of applicable attachments is required as part of the Offeror’s proposal submission.
Offerors shall submit electronic proposals to;; and FSA's electronic mail (email) file size limitation is 25 MB. However, FSA recommends sending smaller files to avoid sending and receiving issues. If multiple emails are needed, each email should be separately identified as follows, “Company Name Perkins Loan Servicing - 1 of X”. Offerors are advised to submit electronic documents early to ensure timely submission and should confirm successful transmission/receipt.
All volumes must be received by November 4, 2024, at 4:00 pm, Eastern Time (Submission Due Date). Failure to provide timely and complete submission of any volumes will result in your organization’s proposal receiving no further consideration for award for specifics.