The Cecil T. Hunter Pool project scope primarily includes pool facility replacement and renovation. The existing pool house located at 200 West Blount Street will be partially demolished, leaving only the northeast portion of the building that houses the pool pump and filter equipment. The pump/filter space to remain will be enclosed with a new roof, wall, and access stair. The existing porch and tent structure will also be demolished. A new 2,065sf facility consisting of office, restroom, shower, and mechanical/electrical spaces will be constructed on the site of the demolished building and tent. Concrete pool deck will be added or replaced between the new facility and the south end of the pool. The circular driveway on Blount Street will be removed and replaced with a sodded slope and sidewalk connection. A portion of the parking lot will require signage and pavement marking. New heavy duty concrete pavement will connect the new facility and the parking area. Miscellaneous utility work, sitework, fencing, and drainage pipe installation will be required. Pool operations – specifically the water, sewer, and electrical service to the pump/filter building – are required to be maintained continuously during construction. Pool access will be coordinated with the City, with a minimum 6-ft high construction barrier to be maintained for access control around the pool area at all times.