Scope: The City of Delray Beach ("City") is seeking bids from qualified firms to establish an annual contract for the purchase supply and delivery of liquid carbon dioxide, in accordance with the terms, conditions, and specifications contained in this Invitation to Bid.
The City will not hold a Pre-Proposal Conference
Questions and Answers: Any questions regarding the specifications and Solicitation process must be submitted through the “Question” feature on Requests for clarification and additional information must be received prior to the Deadline for Submission of Questions on March 7, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. (LOCAL TIME).
Certification Requirements: Any Bidder that submits an offer in response to this Solicitation shall, at the time of such offer, hold all necessary certifications issued by the State or County Examining Board qualifying the Bidder to perform the work proposed for this project.
The City of Delray Beach is exempt from Federal and State Taxes for tangible personal property tax.
The City of Delray Beach reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Proposals, in whole or in part, with or without cause, to waive any irregularities and/or technicalities, and to award the contract on such coverage and terms it deems will best serve the interests of the City.
Bids will be accepted through a secure mailbox at BidNet Direct until the Deadline for Submission as indicated in this ITB. Late Bids will not be accepted. The City will only accept electronic bids for this ITB.
Once the bid has been decrypted the tabulation link will appear under the “details tab” page. Vendors are instructed to contact Bidnet Direct immediately for technical assistance if this feature is not available on your dashboard. Per Section 9.18b: General Terms and Conditions, Notice of Intent to Award shall be posted in Bidnet Direct.