Pasco County is looking for a general contract to provide the following:
1. At the Jasmine Lakes community, installation of a new sewer conveyance and pumping system, including a new duplex lift station, 710 linear feet of 6-inch diameter PVC force main piping, and 470 linear feet of 8-inch diameter PVC force main piping by open cut methods. The force main piping work requires the removal of abandoned utility piping, including 900 linear feet of 12-inch diameter PVC piping and 800 linear feet of 8-inch diameter asbestos cement piping. Upon completion and activation of the new pumping system, the existing wastewater treatment facility shall be abandoned, demolished and disposal of debris. The work shall also include installation of a new primary and secondary potable water connection for the community, including 690 linear feet of 8-inch diameter PVC water main piping by open cut methods and two (2) aboveground meter and control valve assemblies.
2. At the Palm Terrace community, installation of a new gravity sewer collection and pumping system, including 250 linear feet of gravity sewer piping, four (4) manholes, a Page 2 of 5 new duplex lift station, 1,710 linear feet of 6-inch diameter PVC force main piping by open cut methods, and 2,140 linear feet of 6-inch diameter HDPE force main piping by horizontal directional drilling methods along Ranch Road, with three (3) separate drill lengths. Upon completion and activation of the new pumping system, the existing wastewater treatment facility shall be abandoned, demolished and disposal of debris. The work shall also include installation of a new secondary potable water connection for the community, including 140 linear feet of 6-inch diameter PVC water main piping and an aboveground meter and control valve assembly.
3. At the Zephyr Shores community, installation of a new primary and secondary potable water connection for the community, including 200 linear feet of 6-inch diameter PVC water main piping, 120 linear feet of 8-inch diameter PVC water main piping, 50 linear feet of 16-inch diameter steel casing by jacking and boring methods, an aboveground meter and backflow prevention assembly, and an aboveground meter and control valve assembly.
4. Complete restoration of the existing surface materials, including asphalt and concrete repairs, and sodding of the impacted right-of-way along the route.