The Santa Rosa County School Board, Milton Florida, solicits your company to submit a proposal on “RFP 22-01-TF Temporary Staffing Services” as listed in this proposal request.
Services to include, but not limited to, substitute teachers, clerical staff assigned to schools and administrative offices, and internal mail and assessment courier drivers located in Santa Rosa County School District. The outcome desired by Santa Rosa School District is to have a staffing service that can respond to routine and emergency requests on a consistent basis. The staffing service provider to have reporting capability that would include information on individual requesting services, reason for request, dates, costs and trends which would be easily available by location and by individual. All temporary staffing covered by the staffing service provider will be on the provider’s payroll and be paid by the provider which will include all benefit costs, social security, State and Federal Unemployment Insurance, Disability Insurance, Workers Compensation and all other costs as required by state and federal law.
The Santa Rosa County School District currently obtains temporary staffing for substitute teachers, school staff and internal mail couriers.
The original signed proposal is to be submitted with tabs corresponding to the following paragraph numbering system.
- Proposal Form, Drug Free Workplace Form and Public Entity Crimes Form.
- Company Information - It is the purpose of the Request for Proposal to obtain as complete data as possible from each interested contractor to enable the SRCSB to determine which interested company is best able to meet the criteria of the Board which are to be considered in the award of this contract. Each interested company shall furnish as part of this proposal a complete general description of experience in the field of temporary staffing services. Included shall be the following:
- Name and address of the company.
- The duration and extent of experience in providing temporary staffing services for public schools.
- A list of at least five (5) locations where temporary staffing service programs of similar scope and size are presently managed. Give name and address, length of service, number of students enrolled / customers served and name and telephone number of a contact person for each contract.
- A list of school districts and other similar accounts where services have been discontinued or terminated for any reason within the past five (5) years and the reason why. Include contact person and telephone number.
- A company organization chart and a plan for the administrative management, supervision and staffing proposed under the specifications of this contract. Include contract employee information, including benefit information.
- Describe the recruitment effort process and anticipated talent pool for new employees.
- A description of onboarding and training programs for employees, supervisors, and managers and support available at all levels.
- Describe the company’s E-verify and I-9 Compliance process for new employees.
- List of any ongoing, active, anticipated or legal litigation within the past 5 years.
- A sample invoice.
- Any other pertinent information.
- Services Provided – Detail exactly what services are being proposed.
- Mandatory Specifications:
- Contract – The complete Agreement consist of the final negotiated Contract, the Proposal of Contractor and the District’s Request for Proposal (RFP), which are hereby incorporated herein by reference. In the event of any conflict between the terms of the Agreement, the Proposal and the RFP, the terms of the Agreement shall govern, then the Proposal of Contractor, and lastly the RFP.
- Employees - All substitute employees will be on the payroll of the contractor. All current contract employees will be given the opportunity to be retained by the successful contractor. Onboarding of new employees must include a review of work performance and discipline issues over the past 5 years.
- Performance – Include the process for any employee disciplinary action, retraining and evaluation. Describe the position fill rates pre and post COVID, specific actions to maintain or improve the fill rates, and the anticipated fill rates going forward. The minimum fill rate will be set at 80%, should the fill rate fall below this percentage over a three-month period could be cause for termination of the contract. Provider follows the Santa Rosa County School District process for investigating and managing concerns emerging from allegation of substitute misconduct, performance issues, and incidents.
- Equipment - All equipment needed to perform services and any other related function performed will be provided by the contractor.
- Facilities – The contractor will maintain at least one (1) local facility with appropriate staff to manage the services requested.
- Incentive Programs – List policy on safety and retention incentive programs.
- Software – Contractor to provide software necessary to manage substitute services, which is to include the management of all leave for all employees in the District, including those whose positions do not require substitutes. The current District ERP system is Focus and the current absence management software is Frontline.
- Supplies – All supplies needed to perform the functions listed in this RFP will be provided by the contractor.
- Training -All training required by Federal, State, Local and School Board statues, laws, ordinances, and rules, is to be performed by contractor for all substitute employees.
- Unionization – In the event of contract employee unionization, any labor agreement will be between the contractor and the union, and not a part of the contract with the district. In no case will such a labor agreement supersede district policy, the board employee union agreement, or diminish any contract responsibility the contractor has with the board.
- Website - Contractor to maintain a website, with web address provided by district, to include contact information and photos of all management staff. Corporate and other related links may be included. Include sample main page with proposal submission.
- Pricing information – to include overall pricing for all services proposed and penalties for not meeting fill rates or failure to report educator misconduct within 15 days of the occurrence. Describe the process for requesting an increase or decrease in annual rates when comparing the lesser of the percentages between a specified Bureau of Labor and Statistics Index and the average of the ratified District Master Contract Agreement increases.