This Solicitation is amended to address increased attendence to the Yellow Ribbon Event. See updated PWS. A new/updated quote submission is required to respond to this amendment.
Q&A Set 1 of 1
1. There are 2 events at the same day and we need to provide 2 separate 350 guest meeting space or is it a typo?
A: We need one meeting room with enough space to fit 350 guests at dining tables
2. Confirming that no sleeping rooms are needed?
A: No W911YN24Q0013 is for event space rooms.
Note: although we do have The Lodging is posted in a separate in SAM Notice ID W911YN24Q00020. Lodging /sleeping rooms can be at the same location or separate location as long are they are within the 10 mile commuting distance as prescribed in the PWS.
3. Room 3 is being used for vendors?
A: yes
4. Can it be pre function open space instead of a closed room?
A: An open space for vendors is fine
1-265 ADA Pre-Deployment Yellow Ribbon Event with 450 total guests. It is the responsibility of the contractor all requested requirements are met. Event space, audio/visual (A/V) services, and catering services will be secured by the contractor with oversight from the Yellow Ribbon POC. See attached PWS for details.