Specifications include, but are not limited to: The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Florida Forest Service is seeking sealed bids for the sale of timber. The sale is a third-row logger select thinning of 342 acres of 18 to 22-year-old planted slash pine on Lake George State Forest in Volusia County, Florida (see attached maps). Timber to be removed includes every third row for access and a select thinning of the leave rows to reach a target basal area of 75 square feet per acre. In areas where the rows are not easily defined, the logger will cut new rows every 20 feet to 30 feet apart. The width of the new rows will not exceed 20' feet. Timber to be removed in the leave rows will be harvested based on the following criteria: diseased, damaged, defective, forked, and suppressed trees shall be harvested first, followed by a portion of the intermediate and co-dominant trees to reach the desired basal area. The sale boundaries include roads, swamps edges, and plowed lines. Approximately volumes to be removed include 11,265 tons of pulpwood and better.