STATEMENT OF NEED GENERAL: C.W. Bill Young (Bay Pines) VA Healthcare System, 10000 Bay Pines Blvd, Bay Pines, Florida 33744, Nursing has a requirement for continued MedNet software licensing. The MedNet software allows for ICU Medical infusion pump management and reporting. BACKGROUND: Bay Pines has implemented 500 ICU Medical Plum 360 infusion pumps and MedNet management and reporting software in 2021. Annual licensing of the MedNet software is required to maintain full functionality of the infusion pumps. SCOPE: Bay Pines is requesting contractors provide brand name ICU Medical MedNet IV medication Safety Software and Service. The items feature is essential to the technical requirements to meet the need of the government. Base year and three option years. Base year 04/01/2025-03/13/2026 Option year 1 04/01/2025-03/13/2026 Option year 2 - 04/2026-03/13/2027 Option year 3 04/01/2027-03/13/2028 PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS: Equipment must have the physical characteristics to enable the government to perform the capabilities: ICU MedNet license Base plus 3 option years. FUNCTIONAL AND PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS: Equipment & Software must provide the following functional and performance capabilities. ICU Medical Mednet safety software (name brand only as it is proprietary to equipment) Server -Support 301+ devices SOFTWARE Versatile Drug Library Interoperability Cerner integration and interoperability The system must have Interoperability - Cerner - Pump has bidirectional integration capability with Cerner - auto programming and auto documentation). The system must have Interoperability - Picis - Pump has integration capability with Picis - auto documentation. The system must have Interoperability - Vocera - Pump has integration capability with Vocera for alarm forwarding. Complete IV-HER interoperability Smart pump programming Infusion documentation Alarm forwarding Real-time location services Support Industry leading cybersecurity Supports LifeCare PCA & Plum 360 Tailored Reporting Analytics FIPS 140-2 certified The system must have Pump complies to 2020 ISMP Guidelines The system must have asset tracking - pump software can locate Infusion Pumps and PCA Pumps with access point tracking out of the box without needing a specific wireless network vendor and version. The system must share a tracking dashboard for PCA and Infusion Pumps. The system must have minimum set of performance expectations that were identified using the functionality and capability of the current, most frequently used high-volume infusion pump within the VA, the BD Alaris Pump Module and PC Unit, and taking into consideration the Cerner electronic medical record being implemented within the VA. These expectations incorporate those characteristics that describe a smart pump as detailed by the Institute for Safe Medication Practices Contractor must be responsible for the complete software system integration and installation to the current VA system to include all fees, permits, and work required to accomplish the installation. TRAINING: Contractor is to provide a one-time training at installation of equipment (if applicable). Government will not require additional training. WARRANTY OF EQUIPMENT: Government requirement for standard manufacturer industry warranty term. Government does not accept extended warranty, which requires advance payment. DELIVERY SCHEDULE: All items to be delivered and or installed within 30 days of purchase order processing and order placement. PLACE OF Delivery: Warehousing Department, C.W. Bill Young (Bay Pines) VA Healthcare System, 10000 Bay Pines Blvd, Bay Pines, FL 33744.