Specifications include, but are not limited to: This RFP is requesting the Proposer for the following: Mixed-Use Development: • The proposed mixed use, upper midscale, mixed-use project, with ground floor retail/restaurant/entertainment/ art gallery, or office, and structured parking, within the design-build development. • It is highly recommended that the proposed development should include a rooftop lounge/bar deck area. • The CRA owned property will be conveyed as part of the project. The developer needs to account for the cost of the Development Site as a part of the project proforma. • Proposer is to address the construction impact on the community regarding parking, placement of temporary office, storage of material and the effects of vehicular and pedestrian traffic. • Proposed development should incorporate ground floor retail/restaurant/entertainment, art gallery, grocery store, or office along Dixie Hwy, NW 1st avenue and NW 5th Street (Foster Road) including at least 1,000 sq. feet of subsidized space for a small locally owned business(s). • The proposed residential uses must have at least 150 residential units. Micro units are encouraged as a part of the mix of units. • A minimum of 50% of the residential units must be affordable housing. If the proposing firm requires more units, Broward County provides density bonus units specifically aimed at the creation of affordable housing. Affordable housing units should be at the 30, 50, and 60 % of AMI (low to moderate income)..