Specifications include, but are not limited to: One Class I injection well (IW-1), tubing and packer design with a final casing string of 28-inch outside diameter and total open-hole depth of 3,300 feet below pad level, that may be permitted to accept an injection rate of approximately 11.4 million gallons per day (MGD). The injection well shall include the installation of wellhead components suitable for the connection and operation of a completed system. One associated dual-zone deep monitor well (DZMW-1) including the installation of wellhead components. Four water-table monitor wells that will either be plugged and abandoned in place or completed with flush mounted vaults and lockable caps at the end of the project. Concrete slabs for well pads. Completion of one 12-hour injection test. All electrical, instrumentation, piping, valves, pumps, paving, general civil site, electrical, instrumentation, and other appurtenances as shown on the Drawings. A finished site that is acceptable to the ENGINEER and OWNER.