Hillsborough County intends to recommend the award of a sole source procurement to Hach Company, for a three (3) year period (May 1, 2025, through April 30, 2028), at a total cost of $1,685,000.00, for ongoing and as needed purchases of laboratory analytical equipment, reagents, training, and repair services. Hach brand products ensure the continuation of successful and necessary requirements of the operating safe water, wastewater, and reclaimed system for all citizens of Hillsborough County. This procurement is being made in accordance with Section 3-205(2)(b) of the County’s Procurement Policy (February 1, 2025) as the particular equipment maintenance, services, and parts, of an existing integrated system, is being provided by the original equipment manufacturer (OEM), and is only reasonably available from Hach Company. The County reserves the right to extend the time period further, adjust the scope of services in response to changing conditions and updated requirements, and increase the resulting award accordingly. Please note: This is a Sole Source Notification.