Specifications include, but are not limited to: Hours of Operation and Staffing:The County gym hours of operation are twenty-four(24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week. The successful Proposer is expected tohave staff onsite at a minimum during orientation training, scheduled training sessionsor fitness classes as indicated below. Staff is defined as a minimum of one certifiedinstructor that will be providing the desired services during the hours of operation. Use of Facility:•The successful Proposer will have limited access and use of the facility for theirclients to use during the County's hours of operation. They will maintain adequatetime for County employees continued use and ensure that employees continue toexperience their current, non-intimidating environment.•The successful Proposer is responsible to ensure that either they or anysubcontractor is appropriately certified (if applicable) to provide the desiredservices. Copies of certifications may be requested at any time by the County.Default of this requirement at any time during the term of the Lease Agreementwill result in immediate termination of the Lease Agreement.•Employee Orientation: The successful Proposer will be responsible forperforming Gym orientation for County employees free of charge that desire touse the gym. Orientation includes, but is not limited to, guided demonstration ofthe proper use of all cardio and strength training equipment. Please seeAttachment “B” for process. Days and times for orientation will be negotiatedduring Elevation Level 4, Contract Negotiations.