Specifications include, but are not limited to: 1. Must be the vendor’s proprietary Content Management System (no open source) that is built specifically for K-12 school districts. 2. Fully customizable design at no additional cost (unlimited design and consultation hours included). 3. Fully customizable campus website designs at no additional cost (unlimited design and consultation hours included). 4. Fully responsive for all modern browsers and devices. 5. Once a year, must offer a complete redesign of the website at the request of the district, at no additional cost to the district. 6. Work with the District to ensure content migration of information from current sites and possible third parties, to include graphics, streaming videos/media, databases, documents/forms, and support files. 7. Must be hosted with Amazon Web Services or equally reliable service. 8. Must contain a fully native internal website search (no external embeds). 9. Must include the ability to include pop-up alerts throughout the website for emergency notifications. 10. Must have the ability for full-screen mega menus to build consistent navigation between desktop and mobile.