Specifications include, but are not limited to: In accordance with the State of Florida Consultant’s Competitive Negotiation Act (CCNA), F.S. 287.055, the City of Lakeland’s Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) is requesting the submittal of statements of qualification from interested planning, design and real estate development professionals or firms to provide any or all of the following services for the City of Lakeland and/or the Lakeland Community Redevelopment Agency on a continuing contract basis: • Preparation of site-specific design concepts • Analysis of market feasibility • Planning of site feasibility (land use and urban design/site planning) • Preparation of economic development reports and recommendations • Preparation of due diligence reports • Evaluation of economic impact of infill redevelopment projects • Development of commercial façade architectural, site layout and landscape architectural design • Creation of databases with economic and/or census‐based data to enable thematic mapping • Visual Imaging, Multi‐Media and Graphic Design to assist in conveying project outcomes