The City of Milton is requesting bids from qualified parties to provide right of way landscape maintenance services within the city limits of Milton, Georgia. This project includes general aesthetic maintenance of the public right of way through mowing, weed control, and litter maintenance; safety maintenance of overhead and roadside trimming; landscape maintenance of public right of way including roundabout center islands, medians, landscape islands and gateways. It’s the City’s intention to award contract to a single provider. The initial contract will be for an annual term with the opportunity for four (4) additional annual renewals.
All qualified bids will receive consideration without regard to age, handicap, religion, creed or belief, political affiliation, race, color, sex, or national origin. The time and terms of payment, along with the conditions cost of plans and specifications can be found in the solicitation of bids posted on the websites below. A bid bond of 5% is required when submitting bid response.
The City of Milton reserves the right to reject any or all bid/proposals and to waive technicalities and informalities, and to make award in the best interest of the City of Milton.
See attached document(s):