The City of Milton is requesting proposals from qualified consultants to provide engineering services for conceptual 30-percent design plans for public infrastructure associated with the implementation of the District at Mayfield. As further funding is identified in the future, the City intends to add additional phases to this scope which would include further engineering services, right-of-way acquisition coordination and construction administration services. The selected firm will be expected to provide services in accordance with Tasks 1-5 and the project schedule agreed upon by the City of Milton. The City, at its discretion, may choose to negotiate the scope, fees, and schedule with the Consultant for the development of the full construction documents (Task 6) for the plans developed as part of this RFP. All Consultants must comply with all general and special requirements of the RFP information and instructions enclosed herein.
All qualified proposals will receive consideration without regard to age, handicap, religion, creed or belief, political affiliation, race, color, sex, or national origin.
The City of Milton reserves the right to reject any or all bid/proposals and to waive technicalities and informalities, and to make award in the best interest of the City of Milton.
See attached document(s):