From the issue date of the solicitation and until a supplier is selected for contract award and the selection is made public, bidders are not allowed to communicate for any reason with members of the Board of Commissioners, Douglas County employees and/or contracted agents related to the solicitation except through the issuing officer (or his/her designee) named in the solicitation. Prohibited communication includes all contact or interaction, including but not limited to telephonic communications, emails, faxes, letters, or personal meetings, such as lunch, entertainment, or otherwise. Exceptions to this restriction on communication include the following:
- Communication during pre-bid conference/meeting provided the issuing officer is present, or
- As necessary to perform under any existing contracts with the County, or
- With Douglas County pursuant to the protest process
A bidder’s violation of the restriction on communication can lead to disqualification of the supplier’s response from consideration for contract award and/or other disciplinary action such as suspension or debarment.