a. Provide an overview of your account support and administration services, including enrollment coordination, proactive member communication and ongoing support for The City of Calhoun employees. b. Describe your use of technology to support online employee services and education. c. Will a Benefits Administration platform/portal be provided with your services? If so which one(s) do you recommend? Will there be an additional fee for this Benefits Administration platform and if so, how much? d. Will you prepare/produce an employee ‘benefits booklet’ and provide as a PDF document? Will there be a fee and if so, how much? e. Does your firm provide in-person and on-site OE (Open Enrollment) assistance? f. Will you assign a dedicated Account Manager (but not exclusive to only our account) to The City of Calhoun? If so, please provide that person’s credentials. g. Does your proposal include an ACA Compliance audit? Will there be a fee and if so, how much? h. Does your firm manage and submit all required ACA / Federal reporting for plan sponsor clients? Will there be a fee and if so, how much? i. Describe any additional service options that may be of interest to The City of Calhoun. j. Describe the firm’s view on the role wellness plans have on controlling healthcare costs. k. Detail the wellness plan services your company provides.