Specifications include, but are not limited to: Bibb County School District System (BCSD) is soliciting proposals from vendors to support instruction on an adapted curriculum for students with disabilities to rollout beginning in the Fall of 2024. To adequately address the existing achievement gap between students with significant cognitive disabilities and their nondisabled peers, an evidence-based, researched, and reviewed adapted curriculum is required to provide this group of students access to general education standards. BCSD seeks a comprehensive ELA, mathematics, science, and social studies curriculum that provides up-to-date relevant and appropriate materials that will effectively support teaching and learning of all learners in pre-kindergarten through high school with intellectual functioning below 70 and/or significant developmental delays. All curricular content, including online and printed materials, as well as formative assessments in the hands of teachers must allow for differentiated instruction and timely support to students, including accessibility features. In addition to curricular resources and materials, BCSD is also seeking ongoing professional development and coaching for our special education teachers to support fidelity and sustainability of implementation. BCSD seeks to provide comprehensive training and curriculum resources to special educators who teach students on an adapted curriculum in grades Pk-12 to include online/technology-based materials, print and classroom materials, comprehensive and ongoing training, and access to data reports to assist with monitoring implementation and impacts.