Specifications include, but are not limited to: Butts County Board of Commissioners is soliciting competitive sealed bids to purchase quarry aggregate on a renewable contract basis. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, equipment, and services required; The County desires delivery of the product(s) or service(s) as specified at the earliest possible time after the date of award. Unreasonable delivery may be cause for disqualifying a bid. Each firm shall state a definite delivery time and avoid using general terms such as “ASAP” or approximately so many days. Materials will be picked up from the Vendor’s plant location by the Butts County Public Works, or the department’s representative, as required. Vendor shall indicate hours of plant operation, including weekends. . Stone, No. 4 (3/4″ – 1/2″). Stone, No. 5 . Stone, No. 5 washed . Stone, No. 6 washed . Stone, No. 7 washed . Stone, No. 57