Specifications include, but are not limited to: The Scope of Work for the Consultant under this Request for Proposal includes the following services: Programming, Space Planning, Schematic Design, Design Development, Preparation of Construction Documents, Bidding Assistance, and Construction Administration. The Consultant is expected to provide all Architecture, Engineering, and other Consultant and Specialty services necessary to plan, design and administer construction of this size and scope. These services shall include but not necessarily be limited to: Programming; Space Planning; Architecture; Interior Design; Civil, Structural, Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, and Fire Protection Engineering; Specialty Engineering Services; services related to landscape architecture; specification of loose furniture and furnishings; signage and graphics design; telecommunications design; and cost estimating. The Consultant’s services are described at length and in detail in the Sample Agreement attached. All proposing Consultants are urged to read this Agreement (and the Project Description) carefully, for they establish the Scope of Services that is agreed to in submitting a proposal to the County under this Request for Proposal. Moreover, any exceptions taken by the proposing consultant to this Agreement will be evaluated as a factor in the selection process.