Specifications include, but are not limited to: The Automated Multi-Space Parking Pay Station Machines (Automated Parking Payment Machine-APPM) shall be capable of selling parking time in a variety of rate calculation methods, accepting a variety of payment methods in Pay & Display and/or Pay by Space modes of operation, & Pay by License Plate. System shall also be able, upon completion of charged rate, to provide a signal pulse to a gate arm, to raise a gate, for vehicle entry. The system shall provide to the end user, the entire interface features as described in each of the referenced sections above, without requiring any additional hardware or software to be added. System shall be capable of utilizing 110vac to power the system as a whole or be able to fully function on a battery system utilizing solar power. (APPM) shall be able to fully function in a standalone, single-unit, operation and in a multiunit, networked environment, reporting to an offsite central database. System shall provide, at the local machine level, a detailed paper audit trail and in a networked configuration, shall store detailed transaction and diagnostic data at the central database. System shall be battery backed up to provide full functionality for 48hrs of continuous operation in the event of a loss of main power. (APPM) shall comply with PCI-PA-DSS VISA level 1 security requirements and be listed as certified compliant on the VISA PCI-PA-DSS web site for validated payment applications. (APPM) shall be capable of charging a Flat Rate, Variable Rates or Screen Selectable Rates. The ability to change to any of the above rate calculation modes shall be an end user function and require no additional hardware or software. System shall be able to calculate a Flat Rate fee for parking for either a set length of time or to expire at a specific time of day. This Flat Rate shall be able to be shifted a minimum of 24 times a day (Midnight to Midnight) and provide a minimum of 14 rate specific days that shall be able to be set to a specific day of the week (Monday - Sunday) or a specific calendar day of the year. System shall be able to calculate a Variable Rate based on a "track" of picks. In the simplest sense a track identifies a series of contiguous picks specified in a day which varies over time. A track shall be able to sell time based on a specific value for a specific amount of time or it can sell time based on a set value for a specific time of day. System shall be able to provide a Screen Selectable purchase choice of either a series of Flat Rates or Variable Rates or a combination of both. This Screen Selectable purchase shall be able to be shifted a minimum of 24 times a day (Midnight to Midnight) and provide a minimum of 14 rate specific days that shall be able to be set to a specific day of the week (Monday - Sunday) or a specific calendar day of the year.