Specifications include, but are not limited to: RFP 24-01-CHR requests proposals from registered and compliant organizations with substantial experience to develop, organize and host a statewide agriculture conference in Honolulu in 2024. The 2022 Census of Agriculture (AgCensus22) reported a decrease of 759 farms when compared to the 2017 Census of Agriculture (AgCensus17), which represents a 10% decrease in the number of farms in Hawaii in five years. This decrease was primarily in the small farms sector, that is under 10 acres in size. Per AgCensus22, farms reporting value of sales less than $2,500 decreased by 499 farms, representing 19% of farms that were under 10 acres in size. AgCensus22 also reported an increase of 26 farms, a 16% increase in the number of farms that reported an annual value of sales of $500,000 or more. The number of small farms is decreasing and the number of farms reporting an increase in value of sales is increasing. HDOA24 could address these and other comparisons and contrasts between AgCensus22 and AgCensus17 and present possible explanations through an agenda that can provide ideas to grow all sectors of Hawaii agriculture. Priority will be given to proposals that provide a path to generational economic profitability for small, medium and large farms. To achieve this goal, the HDOA announces the availability of approximately $99,000 in general funds for one HDOA24 project. HDOA24 will consider proposals with clear objectives, measurable outcomes to support achieving the objectives and the describe data collection methods to show the measurable outcomes were met.