Specifications include, but are not limited to: The State of Hawaii, Department of Health (“HDOH”), Family Health Services Division (“FHSD”), Children with Special Health Needs Branch (“CSHNB”), Early Intervention Section (“EIS”), is requesting proposals for the purpose of providing family-centered, communitybased, early intervention (“EI”) services for infants and toddlers (and their families), birth to age three (3) years, with developmental delays and/or a diagnosed physical or mental condition that has a high probability of resulting in a developmental delay, hereinafter referred to as child. Interested parties should know that it is not required to provide all listed EI services; potential awardees should be able to provide at least one of the EI services detailed below. EI services are provided in conformity with the child’s Individualized Family Support Plan (“IFSP”). The EI services being requested are to support the delivery of EI services statewide asspecified in the IFSP and within specific geographical areas. The EI services to be provided include hearing services for children who are deaf or hard of hearing; behavior support services to address challenging behaviors; occupational therapy; physical therapy; psychology assessment and services; social work; special instruction; speech language pathology. The goals of the service are to enhance the development of children with special needs; enhance the capacity of families to support the development and meet the special needs of their children; expand the children’s opportunities for participation in community settings in which children without disabilities participate; and decrease the future need for special education services.