The Dept. of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife (DOFAW) seeks a consultant to conduct an archaeological literature review and field inspection (LRFI) and create a report based on findings for a portion of the Manuka Natural Area Reserve (TMK 9-1-01-2; 8-9- 06-01) in the Island of Hawaii. DOFAW has proposed to construct a road and ungulate-proof fence. An existing bulldozed road exists for approximately 1 mile, and this project proposes to widen that existing road from 8’ to 18’ and extend that road an additional approximately 1.1 miles. The road is proposed to be situated to avoid kipuka of native vegetation as much as possible, and portions will be sited on barren lava or pioneer vegetation from relatively recent lava flows. The fenceline is approximately 3.1 miles. This project seeks to identify and record any surface historic properties that may exist in the current project area. At least one historic trail in known in the area, and is flagged and marked on the map below. The project requires a survey and review of the relevant literature, a written field survey strategy, a field inspection, and report based on the findings of the field inspection.