The Hawaii State Department of Health (DOH) Family Health Services Division (FHSD)/Children with Special Health Needs Branch (CSHNB) is working to assure that all children and youth, especially those with special health care needs, will reach optimal health, growth, and development, by improving access to a coordinated system of family-centered health care services and improving outcomes through system development, assessment, assurance, education, collaborative partnerships and family supports. As part of these efforts, CSHNB is committed to promoting positive mental health supports and services to children and families. Through focusing on the promotion of positive infant and early childhood mental health, and helping families navigate the systems of care, proven effective services and supports must be available on a continuous basis so families can count on care. The purpose of this project is to advance Hawaii’s infant and early childhood mental health (IECMH) policies and practices that will contribute to the healthy development of young children and their families. CSHNB seeks a qualified community-based non-profit with a proven track record in researching and developing fiscal strategies for infant and early childhood mental health services. The short-term goal of this project is to identify state-specific strategies for aligning health care financing policy with IECMH practice. The long-term goal for this project is to be able to enhance the overall health and well-being of infants and young children through implementing sustainable strategies with proven success. This contractor will be responsible for convening key stakeholders and providers to develop recommendations to build sustainable funding for mental health programs and to build mental health systems starting prenatally through early childhood. This contractor should be housed in an organization skilled in drafting recommendations for sustainable funding solutions.