A. Teacher Release Program – The intent of the Teacher Release Program is to provide teachers additional time for professional learning and planning during their contracted day. Each grade level team will be released for up to 6 Professional Learning Community (PLC) meetings. The PLC meetings will be facilitated by a Teaching & Learning Instructional Coaches. The Coaches will support classroom teachers through data analysis, planning and professional learning to enhance practice. Students will engage in California State Physical Education standards and Social Emotional Learning during the 90-minute sessions. PLC shall be for twenty (20) K-5 and ten (10) K-6 elementary schools. B. Student Engagement and Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Program – Currently Fontana Unified School District is aiming to support social emotional learning and enhanced organized physical activities for students. The goal of the program is for students to practice and gain proficiency in a range of new Social Emotional Learning skills. This will take place through in-person lessons delivered by coaches who act as mentors and role models. We aim to equip students to better manage and express their emotions and socialize with their peers and feel a stronger connection with their school sites leading to increased attendance. Fontana Unified School District is looking to provide Social Emotional Learning based curriculum and structured physical play. The program will be offered for 4 hours a day, 3 times a week at the 12 elementary schools whose student enrollment is below 500. The program will be offered for 4 hours a day, 4 times a week at the 18 elementary schools whose student enrollment is over 500. The program will be offered for 3 hours a day 3 times a week at five of our middle schools with the lowest enrollment. The program will be offered for 3 hours a day 4 times a week at the two middle schools with the highest enrollment.