Please note: This is a Sole Source Notification. The Department uses OnShift to provide scheduling software for the nursing departments in the three (3) State Hospitals who utilize shift work. The system allows staff to calculate total hours worked, vacation, sick, call offs, and to easily fill openings due to these occurrences. This software is a cloud-based tool that calculates hours per patient day (census), bi-directional communication with a continuous audit log, and instantly communicates changes to staff and management via SMS (text messaging) to ensure immediate needs are communicated. In addition, it provides staff the ability to request time off and alert management. It also allows staff and management to easily recognize shift differentials, identify and recognize discrepancies, and creates visibility into inadequate staffing and analytic modules to control unintended labor costs. OnShift is a critical partner for the continued support, maintenance, updates and licensing for all three (3) State hospitals. Any disruption of the support and licensing for OnShift would have negative consequences resulting in a possible lack of service and scheduling issues for the nurses at the hospitals as they would be forced to go back to manually scheduling shifts. This will result in time and resources lost to scheduling at the expense of patient care. Therefore, the Department requests an exemption from competition for annual support, maintenance, periodic upgrades, and licensing of the Department’s OnShift scheduling software.