Teton County, Idaho is seeking the services of a qualified professional transportation consulting firm to help implement a federal Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) grant for a Safety Action Plan that integrates local, regional, and statewide transportation plans. We are seeking professional transportation planning services that can offer innovative and creative solutions to our overstressed transportation network in order to improve safety and efficiency for all users. The Safety Action Plan will focus on the state highway system in Teton County, particularly the integration of Highways 33, 31, and 32 with city and county roads, pathways, and sidewalks. Traffic data, accident data, stakeholder knowledge, and community input will inform identification of the critical areas of concern. The Safety Action Plan will provide a framework for coordinating local and regional transportation plans with recommended network upgrades that will enhance transportation safety and efficiency. The Safety Action Plan should address all users of the network including motorists, pedestrians, bicyclists, public transportation agencies, and commercial vehicle operators as related to safety and solutions. 1) Kick Off Meeting: The consultant will facilitate a kickoff meeting with the Study Advisory Team (SAT) to confirm expectations and to finalize the work plan. This is one of three planned SAT meetings. 2) Data Collection / Baseline Conditions Analysis: The consultant should prepare an approach to evaluate the existing transportation network within the study area. a. Obtain and review current State, County, City and Regional Transportation Plans, and related ordinances and guidelines. b. Gather mapping resources that show the transportation network and its connectivity. c. Obtain daily and seasonal traffic data for vehicles traveling within and beyond Teton Valley on state highways and major county/city road collectors. d. Assess safe traveling speeds and current speed limits on state highways and country/city roads. e. Assess local and regional public transportation availability and growth potential. f. Identify traffic safety problems based on a 10-year crash history and other traffic safety issues identified by the SAT and the public. g. Identify bicycle / pedestrian facilities, connections, and needs, including ADA accessibility/mobility needs. h. Identify transportation and development trends outside of Teton County that impact the transportation network and safety. i. Assess Safe Routes to Schools current and potential improvements j. Identify areas with commercial uses and transportation impacts from heavy truck traffic. k. Review existing streets/roadway design standards. l. Identify existing capacity, geometric, right of way, and other deficiencies of state highways and county/city roads. m. Develop a list of transportation challenges that need to be addressed 3) Public Outreach: The consultant team will prepare and facilitate a public engagement plan that will meet the specific needs of the community and will include in-person, virtual and on-line resources, and access a. Two public town hall style meetings and at least four neighborhood pop-up meetings will be held as part of the baseline conditions analysis to introduce the project and gather information about the needs and desires of local residents. b. One additional public meeting to be held at least 30 days prior to submitting the final report to present preliminary results and gauge public reaction to the recommended options and solutions. c. The consultant will allow the public to provide suggestions and input into the study assessment, proposed alternatives, and draft report both in person and through digital means. Public comment sheets will be made available at all public meetings and will include a return address for submitting the comments.