Specifications include, but are not limited to: The City of Rexburg requires a comprehensive range of services for the development and management of its municipal website. The following services will be integral to the successful execution of this project: Website Design and Hosting: 1. Responsive Design: Create a website with responsive design, ensuring optimal performance on desktop and mobile platforms. 2. Browser Compatibility: The website should seamlessly function on popular browsers, including Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, and Microsoft Edge. 3. Mobile Optimization: Implement a mobile interface that works smoothly on various mobile devices and their respective browsers. 4. Mobile App: Develop a native mobile app for smartphones, with a strong emphasis on native capabilities. Any redirection to the website should only serve ancillary purposes. 5. App Integration: Ensure a high degree of integration between the mobile app and the website, including the website backend and content management system (CMS). User sign-in should not be obligatory. 6. App Features: Include essential features in the mobile app, such as Events, News, City Updates, and customizable Push Notifications. These notifications should offer users the ability to enable or disable them, as well as select specific categories for tailored notifications. 7. Content Management: Provide City staff with full back-end access and the discretion to edit content, which encompasses text, images, and documents. The design and layout of the site should be modern and professional. 8. Social Media Integration: Integrate the website and app with social media platforms, RSS feeds, and other relevant social services to enhance engagement. 9. Accessibility Compliance: Ensure the website accommodates individuals with disabilities in accordance with ADA laws, guidelines, and regulations. 10.Off-Site Hosting: Host the website off-site through a reputable hosting solution equipped with redundant equipment to ensure continuous operation and minimal downtime. 11.Domain Ownership: The City should retain ownership of all domains associated with the final product. 12.Technical Support: Include comprehensive technical support in the contract for the entire duration of the agreement.